what is Profhilo®

The first of its kind, Profhilo® is a revolutionary beneath the skin hyaluronic acid treatment, made with the patented NAHYCO® technology. This results in a unique hyaluronic acid injectable gel, which has a prolonged stimulating activity on the dermal cells. When injected into skin, Profhilo stimulates the skin cell receptors to counteract skin laxity and improve and restore firmness of the skin by maximizing collagen stimulation and recent studies have shown positive effects and stimulation of the subcutaneous fat stem cells.


Two treatments are required four weeks apart to achieve the best tissue remodelling and lifting effects. A total of ten injection points are used for the face and similarly for the neck so there may be some bruising post procedure. This needs to be kept in mind when booking an appointment.

Profhilo body

what is Profhilo BODY®

IBSA Derma the manufacturers of Profhilo have now introduced the Profhilo Body treatment specifically indicated to improve the appearance of lax and creepy skin on the upper inner arms and abdomen. Other indications include the knees, inner thighs, and elbows. The treatment protocol is the same as for the face and neck and one would need two treatments 4 weeks apart for best results. A single treatment every 6 months is needed to maintain the effect.

how does Profhilo BODY work?

During the injection, the optimal quantity of patented hyaluronic acid is brought directly into the tissue requiring modification. Here, it does three things. Firstly, it encourages the multiplication of the correct type of skin cells (proliferation). Secondly, it improves cell movement and relocation (migration). Thirdly, it promotes their arrangement (organisation) within the tissue. Additionally, it opposes any damage to normal skin tissue by free radicals in this region. The result is skin remodelling with improvement in skin laxity.